Friday, March 2, 2012

NSW: Copper 7 IUD case resolved

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Copper 7 IUD case resolved

SYDNEY, Aug 30 AAP - Australia's longest-running product liability case, in which more
than 300 women sued the makers of the copper 7 IUD contraceptive, has been resolved out
of court.

The women had sued G D Searle in the NSW Supreme Court, claiming the device caused
pelvic inflammatory disease which left them with a range of health problems and in some
cases infertility.

The company denied the contraceptive was unsafe or carried an increased risk of disease.

Today, before Justice David Kirby, Dr Peter Cashman, for the women, said the parties
had reached an agreement to end the case.

He said in the cases of nine women who led the litigation, it was agreed that judgment
be entered in favour of G D Searle and that the remaining women would cease their action.

Outside court, Dr Cashman said he thought everyone was relieved the case, which started
in 1987, was over and that the women could get on with their lives.

The terms of the resolution are confidential.

AAP gl/arb/was


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