Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Internet Access Tops 56 Percent in U.S., According to Nielsen//NetRatings.

       The Internet ratings report for the month of November 2000 from Nielsen//NetRatings, the Internet audience measurement service from Nielsen Media Research, ACNielsen and NetRatings, Inc. (Nasdaq:NTRT), reveals that 56 percent of the U.S. population had Internet access from home in November, jumping from a 43 percent access rate last year during the same period. More than 153.8 million individuals in November 2000 had Web access, rising 30 percent from 118.4 million in November 1999.
"Despite the intense focus on the downturn among dot coms, the Web is continuing to cross the mainstream threshold," said Allen Weiner, vice president of analytical services at NetRatings. "More people are coming online as more things of 'value' tempt them, enabling them to do 'old tasks' with new efficiency--such as sending out electronic greetings."
       The number of page views seen each month jumped 32 percent this past year, indicating people are viewing more in-depth content on a site.
       "As Web access continues to soar, traditional companies that were slow to come online are finding new cross-media opportunities to reach the mass consumer," said Weiner. "Consumers can expect to receive advertising messaging not only via radio or television, but to find branding reinforcement online, creating an overall, efficient marketing vehicle."
November Internet Audience Ratings
       The following set of at-home and at-work information includes: Top 25 Web Properties, Top 25 Internet Advertisers, Top 10 Banner Ads and Average Web Usage statistics for the month of November 2000.

           Nielsen//NetRatings: Top 25 Web Sites by Property
                        Month of November 2000
              Ranking of the Most Visited Web Properties

Top 25 Properties, Combined Home & Work

Property                       Unique Audience (000)   Time Per Person
1.   AOL Websites                         70,103          0:43:55
2.   Yahoo!                               65,882          1:36:49
3.   MSN                                  54,904          1:20:11
4.   Microsoft                            35,056          0:12:02
5.   Excite@Home                          34,045          0:32:47
6.   Lycos Network                        32,217          0:19:50
7.   Time Warner                          28,787          0:34:52
8.   Walt Disney Internet Group           28,131          0:32:05
9.   Amazon                               25,126          0:20:25
10.  About The Human Internet             22,746          0:10:32
11.  CNET Networks                        20,818          0:15:53
12.  eBay                                 19,580          2:02:50
13.  NBC Internet                         18,701          0:17:58
14.  eUniverse Network                    18,072          0:16:44
15.  AltaVista                            17,403          0:18:57
16.  LookSmart                            15,737          0:08:12
17.  Ask Jeeves                           15,306          0:09:38
18.  Network Commerce Inc.                12,332          0:04:22
19.  American Greetings                   12,331          0:11:35
20.  Real Network                         12,215          0:07:47
21.  Viacom International                 11,719          0:14:39
22.  The Go2Net Network                   11,695          0:11:40
23.                             10,864          0:03:48
24.  AT&T                                 10,671          0:16:57
25.  EarthLink                            10,545          0:17:46

      Example: The combined home and work data indicate that nearly 10.5
million home & work Internet users visited at least one of the
EarthLink-owned sites during the reporting period, and each person
spent, on average, a total of 17 minutes and 46 seconds at one or more
of their sites.

      Notes: Rankings are based on audience measurement of people who
have access to the Internet at-home and at-work. Work rankings are
based on persons at-work who have access to a non-shared personal
computer. A property is defined as a consolidation of multiple domains
and URLs owned by a single entity. Reach is a measure of the
unduplicated audience that visits a property. The data are expressed
as the percentage of the total universe of Internet users who logged
onto the Internet at least once during the reporting period.

                Nielsen//NetRatings: Top 25 Advertisers
                        Month of November 2000

      Top advertisers, ranked by banner impressions, are based on data
from BannerTrack(SM), Nielsen//NetRatings' syndicated advertising
research report. An impression is counted each time an ad banner is
fully loaded onto a user's screen.

Top 25 Advertisers, At-Home

Advertiser(a)                          Impressions (000)    Reach %

1.   TRUSTe                                 2,639,983        36.9
2.   Microsoft                              1,931,543        56.0
3.   Yahoo!                                 1,176,916        38.9
4.   Amazon                                   747,803        57.3
5.   Barnes and Noble                         665,853        54.9
6.   America Online                           461,476        40.1
7.   mySimon                                  420,813        11.4
8.   Providian                                343,817        30.6
9.   eBay                                     336,713        25.6
10.  Netscape                                 302,077        34.0
11.  Next Card                                285,707        27.7
12.  Datek                                    237,647         8.2
13.  CBS Sportsline                           224,275         6.3
14.  AllAdvantage                             217,041         5.2
15.  Casino On Net                            216,457        21.7
16.  uBid                                     205,872        29.9
17.  iWin                                     194,454        20.9
18.  CNN                                      188,280         9.9
19.  GetSmart                                 187,101        23.5
20.  BlueLight                                183,421        11.3
21.  ClassMates                               183,224        28.0
22.  E*TRADE                                  179,388        18.2
23.  Network Solutions                        173,250        29.7
24.  National Discount Brokers                168,159         4.9
25.  Ameritrade                               162,261        13.8

Top 25 Advertisers, At-Work

Advertiser(a)                           Impressions (000)   Reach %

1.   TRUSTe                                 2,080,540        53.2
2.   Microsoft                              1,430,816        73.9
3.   Yahoo!                                   980,225        52.1
4.   Barnes and Noble                         547,665        66.4
5.   CNN                                      529,791        28.0
6.   Amazon                                   414,602        68.3
7.   mySimon                                  340,213        21.0
8.   Datek                                    316,840        18.9
9.   E*TRADE                                  259,057        28.9
10.  eBay                                     258,664        38.2
11.  Netscape                                 251,377        48.9
12.  Providian                                248,280        47.0
13.  Next Card                                221,135        40.6
14.  Ameritrade                               208,274        27.8
15.  GetSmart                                 197,589        43.8
16.  National Discount Brokers                195,867        12.1
17.  AllAdvantage                             186,618         7.0
18.  TD Waterhouse                            172,962        11.9
19.  iWon                                     160,349        10.3
20.  America Online                           152,188        41.8
21.  BlueLight                                140,350        16.1
22.  ClassMates                               140,332        41.2
23.  Network Solutions                        139,128        43.2
24.  uBid                                     138,935        42.0
25.  iWin                                     136,148        31.7

(a) Impressions reported include house ads, which are ads that run on
    an advertiser's own web property.

      Example: An estimated 162.3 million Ameritrade banners were
completely loaded on home users' computers during the reporting
period. These banners were delivered to 13.8 percent or 13.1 million
home Internet users.

            Nielsen//NetRatings: Top Ten Ad Banners Viewed
                        Month of November 2000

      Top Banners, ranked according to reach percentage, are cited from
BannerTrack(SM), Nielsen//NetRatings' syndicated ad research service.

Top Ten Ad Banners Viewed At-Home

Advertiser(b)            Reach %        Creative

1.  Bonzi Software       15.2           Warning: Your Internet
                                         Connection Is Not Optimized.
                                        Download InternetBOOST '99

2.  ClassMates           14.8           Do any of these people look
                                         familiar? Find your old
                                         friends again.
3.  Capital One          11.5           9.9% Fixed APR -- 60-Second
                                         Online Response
4.  Colonize             10.3           Message Alert -- You have
                                         1 message waiting for you.
5.  iWin                 10.2           Click on the 33 for a chance
                                         to win $31,000,000.
6.  ClassMates            9.5           Do any of these people look
                                         familiar? Find your old
                                         friends again.
7.  Providian             9.4           30-Second Credit Decision --
                                          Great Rewards
8.  Bonzi Software        9.0           Performance Check: Your
                                         Internet speed is slow?
                                        Download InternetBOOST '99
9.  Amazon                8.5           Shop now for books! Up to 40%
10. Red Envelope          8.1           Find the perfect gift, no
                                         matter what the occasion.

Top Ten Ad Banners Viewed At-Work

Advertiser(b)            Reach %       Creative

1.  Bonzi Software       29.0           Warning:  Your Internet
                                         Connection Is Not Optimized.
                                        Download InternetBOOST '99
2.  ClassMates           22.5           Do any of these people look
                                         familiar? Find your old
                                         friends again.
3.  Capital One          19.8           9.9% Fixed APR -- 60-Second
                                         Online Response
4.  Bonzi Software       18.5           Performance Check: Your
                                         Internet speed is slow?
                                        Download InternetBOOST '99
5.  iWin                 18.5           Click on the 33 for a chance
                                         to win $31,000,000.
6.  Providian            18.0           30-Second Credit Decision --
                                         Great Rewards
7.  GetSmart             17.9           Low Rate Loans From Competing
                                         Lenders.New Home Loans --
                                         Refinance -- Debt
                                         Consolidation -- 2nd Mortgage
8.  Colonize             17.7           Message Alert -- You have 1
                                         message waiting for you.
9.  Amazon               17.3           Shop now for books! Up to 40%
10. GetSmart             16.7           Find a mortgage.  On your own

(b) Ad banners that run predominantly on an advertiser's own property
    are not included in the top banner rankings.

     Nielsen//NetRatings: Average Internet Usage At-Home & At-Work
                        Month of November 2000

      Data below represent activity for the average Internet user
at-home and at-work during the month.

                        At-Home,    % Change    At-Work,    % Change
                        November  from October  November  from October
Number of Sessions
 per Month                  18         -5.3          40        -7.0
Number of Unique
 Sites Visited              10           0           29        -6.5
Page Views per Month       689         -4.3        1,413       -6.7
Page Views per
 Surfing Session            38           0           35          0
Time Spent per Month     9:43:02       -3.5      22:23:04      -3.5
Time Spent during
 Surfing Session         0:32:21       +1.5       0:33:13      +2.0
Duration of a Page
 viewed                  0:00:51       +1.5       0:00:57      +2.0
Average Click Rate
 for Top Banners           0.41       -22.6         0.23      -14.8
Active Internet
 Universe (actually
  surfed)              95.4 million    +4.6   37.2 million     +2.8
Current Internet
 Universe Estimate
 (had access, but
  did not necessarily
  go online)          153.8 million    +2.8   39.2 million     +1.8
About Nielsen//NetRatings
       Nielsen//NetRatings, the audience measurement service from Nielsen Media Research and NetRatings, Inc., collects real-time data from more than 70,000 panel members in the United States. The U.S. panel sample consists of 62,000 at-home users and 8,000 at-work users. These panels collectively represent the largest representative media research sample of Internet users in the industry. Worldwide, Nielsen//NetRatings services are provided via a partnership with ACNielsen, a venture between ACNielsen (NYSE: ART) and NetRatings, Inc., and measure the Internet experiences of more than 200,000 Internet users.
       Nielsen//NetRatings services use unique technology capable of measuring both Internet use and advertising to provide the most timely, accurate and comprehensive Internet usage data and advertising information in the global marketplace. Nielsen//NetRatings services leverage proprietary data-collection technology from NetRatings, Nielsen Media Research's 50 years of expertise in research and audience measurement, and ACNielsen's international leadership in supplying market research information covering more than 100 countries. For more information, please visit

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