Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Apparel and Sports Categories Led Internet Traffic Gains in August, According to Nielsen//NetRatings.

         The Internet ratings report for the month of August 2000 from Nielsen//NetRatings, the Internet audience measurement service from Nielsen Media Research, ACNielsen and NetRatings, Inc. (Nasdaq: NTRT), shows that seasonal trends pushed apparel and sport sites to the top among various Internet categories for the at home audience, while toys, games and entertainment and travel sites declined. 
Apparel sites topped the category list as consumers shopped at online storefronts to buy their back-to-school and fall wardrobes. The apparel category increased almost ten percent from July to August (see Table 1). Traffic patterns to sports sites also enjoyed a healthy gain of almost six percent as football, baseball and golf fans flocked to sports sites to check out up-to-date news and information on their favorite players and teams. 
         Online travel sites fell as the category declined more than ten percent from July to August. Internet surfers visited travel sites less in August as the summer holiday season began to wind down. The toys, games and entertainment category experienced a nine percent decline in traffic during August. 
         "Internet activity continues to be robust across all levels, but seasonal trends will affect the rise and fall of certain categories," said Peggy O'Neill, director of Internet Investment Strategies, NetRatings. "As we approach the holiday season, apparel and other e-commerce sites will continue to garner traffic while online travel sites are poised to make strong gains during peak holiday travel season." 

         Table 1. Nielsen//NetRatings Category Gains and Losses, July-August 
2000 (U.S. At-Home Users) 

                                             Active Reach Change 
                                          from July to August 2000 

Apparel, Accessories, and Shoes                      9.76% 
Sports                                               5.93% 
Toys, Games, & Entertainment                        -9.25% 
Travel                                             -10.05% 

Note: This index comprises 10 representative sites for each category 
and is meant to act as a barometer to gauge the level of interest at 
these categories during the summer. 

Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, August 2000 

August Internet Audience Ratings 

The following set of at-home and at-work information includes: Top 25 
Web Properties, Top 25 Internet Advertisers, Top 10 Banner Ads and 
Average Web Usage statistics for the month of August 2000. 

          Nielsen//NetRatings: Top 25 Web Sites by Property 
                         Month of August 2000 
              Ranking of the Most Visited Web Properties 

Top 25 Properties, Combined Home & Work 

Property                       Unique Audience        Time Per Person 
                                   (000)               (hrs:min:sec) 
1.  AOL Websites                   63,708                 0:43:20 
2.  Yahoo!                         59,162                 1:38:35 
3.  MSN                            47,506                 1:09:55 
4.  Microsoft                      44,519                 0:17:38 
5.  Lycos Network                  33,950                 0:21:34 
6.  Excite@Home                    30,337                 0:34:46 
7.  Walt Disney Internet Group     26,175                 0:32:58 
8.                      22,017                 0:10:11 
9.  Time Warner                    20,714                 0:26:07 
10. AltaVista                      18,637                 0:20:08 
11. Amazon                         18,307                 0:15:20 
12. NBC Internet                   17,194                 0:14:47 
13. eUniverse Network              15,911                 0:15:20 
14. LookSmart                      15,047                 0:09:19 
15. eBay                           14,497                 2:23:44 
16. Real Network                   13,965                 0:05:43 
17. CNET Networks                  13,254                 0:10:56 
18. Ask Jeeves                     11,912                 0:11:31 
19.                       11,610                 0:03:59 
20. The Go2Net Network             11,457                 0:11:41 
21. Macromedia                     11,336                 0:15:38 
22. InfoSpace                      11,281                 0:06:41 
23. Viacom International           10,893                 0:17:01 
24. SmartBot.NET Inc.              10,694                 0:05:58 
25. EarthLink                      10,676                 0:15:42 

         Example: The combined home and work data indicate that nearly 10.7 
million home & work Internet users visited at least one of the 
EarthLink-owned sites during the reporting period, and each person 
spent, on average, a total of 15 minutes and 42 seconds at one or more 
of their sites. 

         Notes: Rankings are based on audience measurement of people who have 
access to the Internet at-home and at-work. Work rankings are based on 
persons at-work who have access to a non-shared personal computer. A 
property is defined as a consolidation of multiple domains and URLs 
owned by a single entity. Reach is a measure of the unduplicated 
audience that visits a property. The data are expressed as the 
percentage of the total universe of Internet users who logged onto the 
Internet at least once during the reporting period. 

               Nielsen//NetRatings: Top 25 Advertisers 
                         Month of August 2000 

         Top advertisers, ranked by banner impressions, are based on data from 
BannerTrack(SM), Nielsen//NetRatings' syndicated advertising research 
report. An impression is counted each time an ad banner is fully 
loaded onto a user's screen. 

Top 25 Advertisers, At-Home 

Advertiser(1)               Impressions (000)              Reach % 
1.  TRUSTe                      2,563,716                    40.3 
2.  Microsoft                   1,617,735                    53.3 
3.  Yahoo!                        927,587                    38.1 
4.  eBay                          642,266                    28.9 
5.  Next Card                     627,822                    36.6 
6.  America Online                626,780                    44.8 
7.  AllAdvantage                  567,645                     7.8 
8.  Amazon                        549,501                    51.7 
9.  GetSmart                      314,138                    26.8 
10. Barnes and Noble              295,553                    36.2 
11. Ad Council                    277,646                    21.5 
12. Casino On Net                 266,092                    21.2 
13. Capital One                   257,495                    36.0 
14. mySimon                       252,715                     8.2 
15. Datek                         224,328                     7.2 
16. National Discount Brokers     213,473                     5.2 
17. SexTracker                    212,226                    10.4 
18. Sun                           207,780                    25.0 
19. uBid                          205,522                    27.7 
20. Lycos                         167,361                    11.2 
21. ESPN                          162,901                    12.2 
22. Excite                        161,168                    10.3 
23. Hewlett Packard               161,155                    14.4 
24. Netscape                      160,148                    26.9 
25. Gamesville                    154,604                     5.0 

Top 25 Advertisers, At-Work 

Advertiser(1)               Impressions (000)              Reach % 
1.   TRUSTe                     1,849,262                    59.7 
2.   Microsoft                  1,178,379                    70.8 
3.   AllAdvantage                 694,256                    10.7 
4.   Yahoo!                       683,089                    52.9 
5.   Next Card                    480,204                    51.3 
6.   Amazon                       400,659                    66.8 
7.   Datek                        353,847                    20.2 
8.   eBay                         338,354                    40.3 
9.   America Online               312,199                    51.3 
10.  GetSmart                     288,210                    43.6 
11.  mySimon                      280,224                    14.2 
12.  National Discount Brokers    275,586                    12.5 
13.  E*TRADE                      253,681                    19.8 
14.  TD Waterhouse                199,208                    12.0 
15.  Barnes and Noble             197,150                    44.0 
16.  uBid                         180,667                    45.2 
17.  SexTracker                   162,022                     9.1 
18.  Capital One                  159,828                    52.8 
19.  ESPN                         149,068                    17.0 
20.  Fidelity                     140,203                    15.4 
21.  Netscape                     138,528                    43.9 
22.  Lycos                        137,405                    17.9 
23.  Ad Council                   133,715                    31.7 
24.  Andys Garage Sale            126,175                     7.6 
25.  SexSwap                      122,907                     4.7 

(1) Impressions reported include house ads, which are ads that run on 
an advertiser's own web property. 

Example: An estimated 154.6 million Gamesville banners were completely 
loaded on home users' computers during the reporting period. These 
banners were delivered to 5 percent or 4.4 million home Internet 

            Nielsen//NetRatings: Top Ten Ad Banners Viewed 
                         Month of August 2000 

Top Banners, ranked according to reach percentage, are cited from 
BannerTrack(SM), Nielsen//NetRatings' syndicated ad research service. 

Top Ten Ad Banners Viewed At-Home 

Advertiser(2)      Reach %   Creative 
1.  Capital One     19.9   How FAST do you want your credit decision? 
2.  Bonzi Software  17.2   Warning: Your Internet Connection Is Not 
                            Optimized. Download InternetBOOST '99 Now! 
3.  ClassMates      13.9   Do you know this person?  Who could she be? 
4.  Bonzi Software  11.7 Your Internet Connection Is Not 
                            Optimized. Download InternetBOOST '99 Now! 
5.  AmeriDebt       11.5   Danger!  Bill Problems?  We Can Help You 
                            Save $! 
6.  MSN/WebMD       11.4   Summer is here.  So are swimsuits. 
                            Get healthy. 
7.  Sun             11.3   Outsourcing your datacenter, webhosting or 
                            ERP? Trust the Outsourcerer, the Service 
                            Provider with Suntone Certification. 
8.  GetSmart        11.3   Find a mortgage.  On your terms. 
9.  Sun             11.2   When the big, bad competitor came to 
                            town... The Little Toystore used the dot 
                            to help take them down. 
10. Sun             11.2   Red alert! The dot com invasion is here! 

Top Ten Ad Banners Viewed At-Work 

Advertiser(2)      Reach %   Creative 
1.  Bonzi Software  32.6   Warning:  Your Internet Connection Is Not 
                            Optimized. Download InternetBOOST '99 Now! 
2.  Capital One     31.9   How FAST do you want your credit decision? 
3.  Class Mates     24.0   Do you know this person?  Who could she be? 
4.  GetSmart        22.5   Find a mortgage.  On your terms. 
5.  Bonzi Software  22.2 Your Internet Connection Is Not 
                            Optimized. Download InternetBOOST '99 Now! 
6.  GetSmart        20.0   Low Rate Loans From Competing Lenders. 
                            New Home Loans - Refinance - Debt 
                            Consolidation - 2nd Mortgage 
7.  AmeriDebt       20.0   Danger!  Bill Problems?  We Can Help You 
                            Save $! 
8.  MSN/WebMD       16.6   Summer is here.  So are swimsuits. 
                            Get healthy. 
9.  GetSmart        16.1   Find: A Loan For Me  Refinancing - Second 
                            Mortgage - Debt Consolidation 
10. E Term          15.6   Save 50%-70% on Term Life Insurance 

(2) Ad banners that run predominantly on an advertiser's own property 
are not included in the top banner rankings. 

     Nielsen//NetRatings: Average Internet Usage At-Home & At-Work 
                         Month of August 2000 

Data below represent activity for the average Internet user at-home 
and at-work during the month. 

                           At-Home,    % Change     At-Work,  % Change 
                            August     from July     August  from July 

Number of Sessions 
 per Week                          18      0               41   +10.8 
Number of Unique 
 Sites Visited                     10      0               30    +7.1 
Page Views per Week               719   +1.4             1480   +10.7 
Page Views per 
 Surfing Session                   41   +7.9               36       0 
Time Spent per Week           9:14:18   -4.6         21:53:31    +8.7 
Time Spent during 
 Surfing Session              0:31:26   -0.3          0:32:13    -0.6 
Duration of a Page viewed     0:00:46   -7.6          0:00:54    -0.6 
Average Click Rate 
 for Top Banners                 0.47   -7.8             0.23   -17.9 
Active Internet Universe 
 (actually surfed)       89.4 million   +1.4     32.8 million    +3.4 
Current Internet 
 Universe Estimate (had 
 access, but did not 
 necessarily go online) 146.4 million   +1.7     34.8 million    +1.9 
About Nielsen//NetRatings 
         Nielsen//NetRatings, the audience measurement service from Nielsen Media Research and NetRatings, Inc., collects real-time data from more than 65,000 panel members in the United States. The U.S. panel sample consists of 57,000 at-home users and 8,000 at-work users. These panels collectively represent the largest representative media research sample of Internet users in the industry. Worldwide, Nielsen//NetRatings services are provided via a partnership with ACNielsen, a venture between ACNielsen (NYSE: ART) and NetRatings, Inc., and measure the Internet experiences of more than 165,000 Internet users. 
         Nielsen//NetRatings services use unique technology capable of measuring both Internet use and advertising to provide the most timely, accurate and comprehensive Internet usage data and advertising information in the global marketplace. Nielsen//NetRatings services leverage proprietary data-collection technology from NetRatings, Nielsen Media Research's 50 years of expertise in research and audience measurement, and ACNielsen's international leadership in supplying market research information covering more than 100 countries.

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